Smits Rolluiken en Zonwering
Smits Rolluiken en Zonwering is an experienced manufacturer and supplier of turnkey sun protection solutions. Our product range includes roller shutters, screens, patio screens, drop screens, awnings and patio covers. We supply exclusively to sun protection dealers and specialists who expect high-quality products and reliable service for their customers.
What do we do?
With two assembly locations in Cuijk, we supply sun protection specialists throughout the Netherlands with customised sun protection solutions. Our products are delivered quickly and efficiently, enabling our customers to respond optimally to market demand.
Our customers
Our customer base includes both small and large sun protection specialists, contractors and facade builders in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Scandinavia.
Since the acquisition by StellaGroup in 2019, our partners benefit from an international network and extensive expertise in the field of sun protection and roller shutter systems.

At Smits, customisation is key, both for the private and business market. Our years of experience in the production and assembly of sun protection products make us a reliable partner for sun protection specialists.
What does customisation mean to us?
For us, customisation is more than a buzzword. From initial contact to assembly, each product is fully tailored to the customer's specific needs. Our product specialists put together every sun protection product by hand, whether it is a single product or a complete project. We thus guarantee a tailor-made solution that fits every situation perfectly.